
Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Be afraid

The Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has agreed to join in the pressure to be put on Russia.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Loonies running the asylum

Tea and ?

The ABC reported today that the Department of Immigration has been ordered no longer to use the word "sympathise" in ministerial correspondence. Cute!

Cold War

Ice cold in fact....Gather Sarah Palin's been at it again. She suggests a bomb will settle the crisis in Ukraine. Tea parties are really more her thing.

Saturday, March 8, 2014


Buzz words....the big chiefs are using this often.

Seems we are no longer "entitled" to things. The Australian Treasurer, Joe Hockey has confirmed we no longer live in the age of entitlement thereby putting to an end the long line of entitlement believers that probably started with captain Cook.
It's over, kaputski, finito! Just like that!
Do politicians feel entitled to their allowances and perks? I wonder .
Anyway it's the new "buzz" , the new corporate speak. Sounds good, too!
Understand Gina Rinehart has started using it. (For those of you unfamiliar with the Australian hierarchy, Gina is a magnate of considerable wealth and girth. Her companies dig up a lot of stuff. Fairly (?) influential she carries a lot of weight in various boardrooms and on bathroom scales).

Friday, March 7, 2014

..and before I go

Hungry anyone?

Look at the size of this Dutch Croquette..  that's a normal size (actually slightly larger) plate!