
Sunday, October 19, 2014

Life (Dutch) on Mars

Stop the world I wanna get off....

With sincere apologies to Vermeer

History has it in spades that the Dutch were or are, great explorers. They are also direct and efficient which is why in many multinational corporations you will often find  Dutchies in positions of responsibility. .

Now they have taken to the last frontier, promoting a competition (which will be televised) for intrepid souls to strut their stuff with a view to emigrating to Mars in 2022. Anyone can apply (the fee is approx $38 U,S.) The company is appropriately named  Mars One.

Applicants need not expect to return ; this is a one way venture. Big time. Mars One wants to build a colony that will be able to grow with an ever-expanding crew. The group means to launch a supply mission that will land on Mars as soon as October 2016. A "settlement rover" will land in 2018. Mars One has already received thousands of prospective applicants.
 Candidates must be resilient, adaptable, resourceful and must work well within a team. The whole project will   be broadcast  from the reality TV style selection process, to landing and beyond..

Tellingly at a news conference, Mars One's co-founder Bas Lansdorp said he'd like to go to Mars himself, but  he isn't   because his girlfriend won't come along.


Saturday, October 18, 2014

Japan's food dilemma

Slowing down fast foods

It seems that Japan has a bit of a crisis on its hands. Its cuisine is being bypassed by schoolkids who prefer the faster but more fat laden Western fast food. Purchases of rice and miso , a seasoned soup, are down from the levels of 25 years ago.

Japanese cuisine is world renowned and Tokyo has more Michelin star restaurants than London and Paris combined. Japanese chef Murata who runs three such eating houses is known for his elaborate and simple 12 course meals but has  diverted some of his passion  to making simple traditional food with school children in mind.

"Japanese people are the longest living in the world and we want to keep it that way," he says.

Low in fat content Japan's cuisine is judged to be responsible for less obesity in its  population compared to the West.

The chefs say that it will take at least a generation to halt the shift from traditional food to the Western style diet.

Their aim is to save the health and traditions of Japan.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

The new i phone 6

The boomerang effect

There's been a fair amount of criticism of the new iphone's too big and it bends. Not to worry, Apple, it could be used as a boomerang in the outback.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Continuing trouble in little China

Hong Kong

Hundreds of police using sledgehammers knocked down and cleared barricades set up by protesting students in Hong Kong.

The students however retaliated by making  a surprise move to occupy the tunnel on Lung Wo Road, an important east-west artery near the offices of the Hong Kong 
In the meantime roads through the Central business district and a main city tram line have reopened.

The Hong Kong and Beijing governments have called the protests illegal. Some of the city's most powerful players and businessmen had earlier warned that occupying the heart of the city to press for democracy could undermine stability.

Mr Leunhe city's pro-Beijing leader said this week there was a fat chance that China's leaders would give in to protesters' demands and change an August decision limiting democracy. The protesters want Mr Leung to step down.

The show goes on...

On y va

Let's Go....

Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy has recently re-launched his political career with a rally near the city of Lille. 
Opinion polls now suggest President Hollande has become the most unpopular French president in modern times.

Mr Sarkozy's leadership bid for the UMP is considered by many as a first step towards a presidential bid in 2017. 
The prospect of Nicolas Sarkozy returning as candidate for the French presidency in 2017 has split opinion between former President Jacques Chirac and his wife Bernadette.
Mr Chirac, who makes no secret of his distaste for Mr Sarkozy, has endorsed a different man for the ticket, choosing former Prime Minister Alain Juppe.

Mrs Chirac was also quoted by French satirical newspaper Le Canard Enchaine as saying that Nicolas Sarkozy was urging her to help him effect a reconciliation with Jacques.Chirac.

His political comeback is said by friends to be strongly opposed by his own wife Carla Bruni, who has 'begged him' not to stand because people were 'mean to him' as president. Carla has in the meantime, rrelaunched her singing career , which might help Nicholas.