
Friday, February 14, 2014

Chinese Navel Exercises

Of recent concern in the press has been the news about Chinese Navel exercises. Seems to be causing much concern.

Cheesed off

What's this got to do with the price of fish? Nothing, really, however.............

the price of cheese. particularly "foreign " stuff is really an enigma. Innit? If this goes unnoticed it is probably overlooked by those who require wheelbarrows to trundle their salaries to the bank  or  the supermarket managers.
Now, in France and in Europe generally, the price of a reasonable brie or camembert ranges from E10 ( A$ 13/14) to E15 (A$ 22/23) pkg. These are supermarket prices. In Oz the minimum seems to start at round about $38.00 pkg to the average of $55.00 pkg.
What's up cheese makers?

Stiff Cheddar

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Assistance for Qantas?

It is reported that Alan Joyce is considering cutting another 1000 Qantas positions shortly.

It will be interesting to see how he will fare when he pushes his trolley to Canberra for some ready cash.

Will he get it?

On the face of it probably not .

Recently SPC, Holden (GM) ,Ford and Toyota have crashed but Cadbury escaped with a pat on the back.

However , Alan Joyce has done a great job in terms of the current government’s philosophy. He’s been slashing and chopping wilder than a Stephen King villain. Brownie points there.
 Mechanics, baggage handlers and pilots could well be advised by the coalition that there are plenty of waiting jobs available in Canberra .Relocation grants might be considered.

Joyce will also reveal his plans for the new Qantas. See picture below.  The cost savings are good... reduction of fuel costs, maintenance and staff The new terminal will be far smaller and will be adapted to conditions in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne. Fewer passengers of course will also increase the efficiency of the airline.

 (Photo from Queensland State Archives)

Easing our guilt on THE BOATS

The Boat people....

It's gratifying to see that the boat people are being considered  humanely.
The current buzz around is that the government is saving lived by preventing people from taking risks with their lives.
It's a good argument , isn't it?
There is however a faint whiff about this argument...something a little self satisfied? Until however this can be demolished thoroughly....... 

  ........  ( comparison of  statistics with European disasters and sinkings for example) it;s a comfortable argument and helps ease the pangs .It'll have to do for the moment.

Big Mike steps in....

Big Mike has tried to pour some troubled waters on oil....

Re the previous entry for Channel 7, the doyen of the reporter's community, claims the amounts quoted in the press are "silly". Now does that mean $2million is too small? In the world of ratings what is a "normal"amount?
No doubt all will be revealed!
Whatever. Because Mike said so, it's true. from now on  it will be referred to as "silly".