
Friday, April 25, 2014

Taking a break

Been a little prolific recently. Excuse my enthusiasm, it's been a bit full on .
However got to catch up on some admin stuff , like taxation and other intriguing matters. Be back fairly soon.

Capital Designs by Kevin


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Tense days in the Himalays

Welcome to their world.



A Sherpa supported  expedition is one where a company organizes all the logistics: food, group gear, transportation plus Sherpa support but does not provide traditional western guides or, in some case, even a lead Sherpa Guide. These cater to experienced climbers or those on a tight budget. You can sign onto one of these climb for under $30,000 on the south side . Expeditions on the mountain spent almost $12 million in Nepal in the spring of 2012'.

"Statistics from "The Washington Post"

The Sherpa's have called off their mountain climbing season to honour dead colleagues.
 The New YorkTimes  reports a Sherpa as saying “Climbers actually say, ‘I’ve paid $50,000, you are here to work for me, and you have to accompany me !' .The mountain itself feels like it is losing its value. Just about everyone seems to want to climb it by paying a Sherpa who will ensure reaching the summit.”

A file of climbers snaking up Everest.

There are ecological problems namely with trash and unwanted cast offs.

Money however pours into the local economy, including hotel rooms, nights in teahouses, local cellphone use, and the hiring of yaks and porters to carry supplies up the mountain. 

 Frustration at the government is also spurring on  the Sherpa's decision. Mount Everest’s Sherpas can make $3,000 to $5,000 in a season, supplemented with bonuses if they reach the summit. But
they face huge risks, and some have expressed frustration as life on the mountain has been overwhelmed by circumstances. Added to the mix ,  Nepalese authorities have infuriated many of the Sherpas by offering 40,000 rupees, or about $410, as compensation to the families of the dead.

It all looks like a bit of a mess , in more ways than one!#


Foodies update

But is it carbon friendly?

Yahoo reports a new development in the world of culinary delights.One company has used an old-school technique to come up with the next big thing in cooking: smoked waterThe Anglesea Sea Salt Company developed their smoked water at the request of cutting-edge chef Heston Blumenthal.And now for the best part  ----Mixologists (not my word ) are very excited! #