
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Qatar Blues

There's a probe into Qatar's FIFA world cup bid following allegations the the U.K. Times of bribery behind the scenes.The outcome will be announced in July.
With the third largest natural gas and oil reserves In the world Qatar has quite an influence over Arab states and through it's Al Jazeera radio and television network has become a credible public voice. Recently it has been and is continuing to spend billions on infrastructure in order to attract tourism. It is an absolute monarchy.
Things have recently gone belly up for the oil rich state. A number of Al Jazeera journalists including an Australian have been incarcerated in Egypt. Of course it didn't help that Qatar \openly supported the Muslim Brotherhood as well as other groups during the period known as the Arab Spring.
Politics, religion and thousands of myriad issues within those issues,  continue to dominate this part of the world. The U.S. and Europe  is concerned that stability should be maintained at all costs. Major disruptions here could cause chaos with most economies.
There have been mutterings already re the World Cup soccer,  that temperatures might well be too high Average daily temperatures during summer  ( June thru' to September ) can easily exceed 40 C with little if any rainfall. The coastal regions can be slightly milder but there is a corresponding increase in humidity. Sport seems to be playing more and more of a role in world politics.Where there is money..... 

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Dutch Lion

FIFA 2014
                        And here we are, with another competition that raises emotions, blood pressure and the
discovery of lost nationalities ( e.g. great grandmother's favourite head butler who was somehow connected to one's family and therefore entitles you to lay claim to that nationality).
                         It's going to be four weeks or so on intense commentary and discussion. I recall last time, some commentators and analysts made themselves extremely unpopular by constantly flogging one of the favourites. It's a wonder they were not lynched.
                         It would seem this time the top ten favourites are (according to some but not all analysts):-

Germany,Brazil,Argentine,Spain,Italy, Portugal,The Netherlands, England,Belgium and France.

I will try every now and then to add a picture which represents the various teams involved.The Dutch are extremely conspicuous because of their bright orange jerseys. Rows and rows of them. Should be interesting? 

Non? Hein?Nee?Nein? No?

Friday, May 30, 2014

Fit as a flea

Hope it doesn't come to this?

A caring society ?


A while ago while waiting my turn in a frantically busy medical centre, I watched the harried receptionist deal with incoming arrivals in  between incessant phone calls and doctors' demands for files. Each new person was greeted with a perfunctory "Which doctor?" One aged pensioner who had got up very early that day replied in like manner "No, any normal doctor will do thank you!"

Although small at this stage , the new levy for surgery visits has the potential to become a permanent feature . Very rarely do governments abolish revenue raisers. In addition to increased patient's expenses, the bulk billing rebate to GP's has also been reduced.
In the future the various states are facing appreciable funding cuts Io their medical and educational funding. This raised the issue of the states perhaps being forced to augment income , increasing residents taxes to meet the shortfall. Protests are loud and clear at this moment but from past experience, I would not be surprised to see this resistance fold like a house of cards. Political expediency is vicarious with too often the devil being very much in the detail of any agreement designed to save face,
High school education, higher education and health are all being adversely impacted in the future. The noise earlier in the year about GST (Vat or TVA) increases was not without foundation. These lobbied ideas are so sneaky they blaze a trail across the sky.
In the U.S the hue and cry over Obama care is not solely due to the inefficiency of the system but the basic principle of care for all. The Clintons had real trouble with this one. Here's hoping we never feel the same way.
Rather than an expense,  health and education are investments with little immediate return but the long term benefits are much more valuable.