
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Mates talk

Boys Toys

Transport is big in Australia, a large country with huge expanses of nothing . Travel has always been a central part of the Australian psyche as many are of migrant parents and trips to Europe and other places are almost as normal as stepping onto a bus. 

Among mates,the subject of cars is important, nay vital. One has to be a sports nut as well as a bit of a revhead. Men know quite a bit about cars and will be able to tell you engine size, features , advantages and disadvantages of particular models as well as the price down to the last cent. 

Ask a lady what kind of car she has and she will answer "Green"or "Yellow"...(Well, most anyway).

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

In vino veritas...

Rite of passage

A wine tasting tour is a must . This is an essential part of being Australian. 

The Barossa Valley , Hunter Valley , Margaret River , Mclaren Vale , Yarra Valley ,Mornington Peninsula, Adelaide Hills , Clare Valley , Canberra District , Southern Tasmania, these names should trip off the tip of your tongues as easily as you can say "You bewdy!"

The more wine one consumes the more attractive or ugly one's companion becomes and the temptation to say so grows with each passing glass; regrets and embarrassment ensue the following day. Many a friendship has been cemented or shattered thus,

Henry Fielding, in  "Tom Jones" remarked that drink does not alter the character of a man, rather reveals it more clearly! So make sure you go with someone who intrigues might  be surprised at what you discover by the end of the journey!
Last stop on the wine tasting tour

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Other shoe, other foot...

MH17 crash: China says Australia's response 'rash' (Sydney Morning Herald July 19th 2014)

The official Xinhua news agency said in an English language commentary that officials from the United States, Australia and other Western countries had jumped to conclusions

"The accusation was apparently rash when the officials acknowledged they did not know for the time being who is responsible for the attack, while condemning Russia's military intervention, Xinhua said.
"" You tell 'em Chan!"
The news agency said the top priority at the moment was to co-operate to "find out the real culprits, if any".
"If the plane turned out to have been shot down by a missile, the perpetrators should be brought to justice despite their motives and excuses, as it was an intolerable terrorist attack," Xinhua said.

The puzzle here is the phrase "real culprits, if any". One can only presume that China envisages a scenario where the Boeing simply imploded of its own accord. It's a theory proposed by bit the flat earth society , for example, and claiming planes fly upside down when they reach the edge until their final destination.
Not so long ago China was throwing her weight around after the disappearance of MH 370.

Friday, July 18, 2014

The loony side of the internet

This is so inane, it must be posted.
(I'm really glad that I live in my own world ,relatively "sane" world, particularly when I see items below  posted on the net!)

July 17 2014
And says it never took off and was CANCELED. Is this “shoot down” really the disposal of flight 370? I am trying to figure this out,

Figure away Einstein!