
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Continuing trouble in little China

Hong Kong

Hundreds of police using sledgehammers knocked down and cleared barricades set up by protesting students in Hong Kong.

The students however retaliated by making  a surprise move to occupy the tunnel on Lung Wo Road, an important east-west artery near the offices of the Hong Kong 
In the meantime roads through the Central business district and a main city tram line have reopened.

The Hong Kong and Beijing governments have called the protests illegal. Some of the city's most powerful players and businessmen had earlier warned that occupying the heart of the city to press for democracy could undermine stability.

Mr Leunhe city's pro-Beijing leader said this week there was a fat chance that China's leaders would give in to protesters' demands and change an August decision limiting democracy. The protesters want Mr Leung to step down.

The show goes on...

On y va

Let's Go....

Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy has recently re-launched his political career with a rally near the city of Lille. 
Opinion polls now suggest President Hollande has become the most unpopular French president in modern times.

Mr Sarkozy's leadership bid for the UMP is considered by many as a first step towards a presidential bid in 2017. 
The prospect of Nicolas Sarkozy returning as candidate for the French presidency in 2017 has split opinion between former President Jacques Chirac and his wife Bernadette.
Mr Chirac, who makes no secret of his distaste for Mr Sarkozy, has endorsed a different man for the ticket, choosing former Prime Minister Alain Juppe.

Mrs Chirac was also quoted by French satirical newspaper Le Canard Enchaine as saying that Nicolas Sarkozy was urging her to help him effect a reconciliation with Jacques.Chirac.

His political comeback is said by friends to be strongly opposed by his own wife Carla Bruni, who has 'begged him' not to stand because people were 'mean to him' as president. Carla has in the meantime, rrelaunched her singing career , which might help Nicholas.

And the abbot said to the bear......

I'll huff an'I'll puff...

Recently the Australian Prime Minister vented his spleen on Vladimir, threatening to "shirtfront"  the Russian leader at the G7 meeting to be held in Brisbane, over the MH17 disaster above The Ukraine in July of this year.
Now that's an interesting use of English. Is the intention intend to compare the laundry skills of the Russians as opposed to the speedy service of our local bagwash shops? Or are Australian shirtfront starchier than Russian linen Tolstovkas
Interesting to to note that no such remarks have been made by the Netherlands who lost some 198 nationals in the tragedy. 
Perhaps Mr Abbott was playing to the opinion polls seeing that his ratings have increased since the deployment of forces against the bloodthirsty IS insurgents in Syria, Iraq and  Turkish border.
Not really helpful in the long run.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Knuckleheads, all...

I love a sun burnt head.

Last night, Channel 7 excelled themselves by broadcasting a snippet from an interview with a younf, presumably Australian, jihadist.

He was reported as saying he believed in beheading but still loved Australia!

What was the point? Does it mean that because he loved Australia his love of decapitation was merely a sign of the larrikin in him? Was he to be forgiven, pitied, sympathised with or what?

Don't know who was the greater of the knuckleheads, Channel 7's news producer or the interviewee.

Ratings are one thing but really.....

Friday, October 10, 2014

A bit on the side......

..............or a bit of fluff

Something happens to some men, particularly those it seems in a position of power. They become a bit of a goose and have an affair which in the end usually ruins their career or brings about their downfall. This is the age of judgements where the social media can wreak a bit of havoc.
Not all men, of course, I hasten to add before being taken to task. 
In France a mistress appears to be the norm. The associated costs are probably a legitimate tax deduction! 
Previously in France, If a murder were committed , the motive for which was a straying partner the penalties were less severe as a "crime passionel" was considered to be a valid reason for murder. This however did end in France as the Napoleonic code was updated in the 1970s so that a specific father's authority upon his whole family was over.
In the U.S. crimes of passions have been traditionally associated with the defenses of temporary insanity or provocation. Historically, such defenses were used as complete defenses for various violent crimes, but gradually they became used primarily as a partial defense to a charge of murder which acts by converting what would otherwise have been murder into manslaughter.

C' est la vie.