
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

What did she say?

Hilar(ious)y Clinton:-

"OMG !!"

The likely 2016 presidential candidate. Hilary Clinton , said at a campaign event last Friday for Martha Coakley, the Massachusetts Democratic gubernatorial candidate:
"Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs,” former Secretary of State Clinton said in Boston. “You  know that old theory, trickledown economics. . That has been tried,  that has failed. It has failed rather spectacularly."    
Conservatives are spinning with disbelief while Democrats are trying to spin their way out of it. Perhaps there's a wee bit of truth in what she said? Who knows?                                                                 


Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Refugees' Halloween

Halloween's a coming up...
Sent back and slapped with the stigma of Ebola....Governments are a necessary evil?

..and talking of lone wolves

Tax tax and more....

There's talk of a mature debate on tax reform ( read tax increases) in Australia..the least painful of which , according to the gurus, is.....

Saturday, October 25, 2014

On the crest of a wave

Tony's climbing the polls

Inspired by other talented artists.With grateful thanks
"Darling, I do think the PM's doing a sterling job! I mean, imagine, those queue jumpers complaining about being sent to Cambodia! Harry and I were there last year and we absolutely adored it! Wonderful people, absolutely gorgeous country.If the government offered to send me there all expenses paid, I'd be off like a shot! And he's handling other people's terrorist events wonderfully! And as for this Ebola thing..I mean troops to Syria is one thing but sending civilians to darkest Africa is quite another..don't you agree?"