
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

What do you know....?

Pigs really can fly......

A U.S. Airways passenger boarded a flight before Thanksgiving. Nothing unusual in that! 
However bewildered passengers discovered that the large item she had draped over her shoulder was a 70 to 80 lb pig.
The passenger apparently was allowed to bring the animal on get this.. as an emotional support animal, a U.S. Airways agent said.
The passenger and pig were kicked off the flight for being "disruptive". 
The big brown pig stank up the cabin and defecated in the aisle. When the passenger tied the pig to an armrest and tried to tidy up the pig began to howl. The pig's owner became agitated,  talking to the pig as if it were a person calling it a "big jerk"for misbehaving.
Eventually the passenger and porcine companion disembarked.
In 2003 the Dept of Transport updated its regulations animals that assist passengers with their disabilities by providing emotional support qualify as service animals.
Wonder what her disability was? Or maybe it was the pig?
Photo by passenger

Friday, November 28, 2014


Winter Saturdays

Medicinal drugs

Sorry. Have withdrawn this page..not in good taste.My apologies

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Anybody listening?

Better a cat than nobody

According to a leading Australian cartoon editor, the political cartoon is waning in influence and popularity. Big noses and big bums don't cut it anymore, according to him.

In the Murdoch press, big bosoms and big bums however continue to gain in popularity.

One really writes a blog for oneself. I do anyway. Given that the market for cartoonists is huge and the talent out there horrendously enormous , it gives me a buzz that I can endeavour to meet a need that in other days and times could not be foreseen. That's the marvel of today's computers,good for some but for many others a death knell.

Writing a blog like this is a bit similar to the theoretical question of the tree falling in the forest. If nobody hears it, has it happened and has it really fallen?

It's akin to silence in response to the blog. Hello! Anybody out there?

The design below is a sketch reproduction of an original photo which has done in paint form
a number of times. As far as I am aware it's the first time it's been reproduced in sketch form and suits the content of the blog to a "T".

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Government a la Pinocchio or is it "au"Pinocchio

Serious cuts for public broadcasters

Despite pre-election promises the Government has slashed funding to the two public broadcasters ABC and SBS, with some 400 to 500 jobs to go as a result. 

Abbott apparently "fessed"up to the porkie claiming that he had no idea of the budget problems he would inherit. Therefor he had to cut the respective budgets. It seems odd that this should be the case;.perhaps due diligence is something confined to the big end of town which the coalition supports.