
Friday, February 20, 2015

Thought for the day

.Read this the other day on a Facebook post...

The thing about farts is not to hold  ' em in. If you do they rise to your brain and give you shitty thoughts.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The elephant outside the room

Love's Labours Lost

After a short time in office and their hard work to get re-elected, it's all a bit of a mess for the government.

It was probably not the economy which concerned the public , nor Mr Abbott indeed,  while campaigning, but more likely the debacle with the Rudd/Gillard/Rudd game of musical chairs.
In their first few months the coalition seemed to rush in like bulls in a china shop believing they had an absolute mandate to do what they liked. It would appear that the recent election results in Queensland  has dented that belief  Desperate to see himself as a  good guy, the Prime Minister is clutching at any straw that blows his way.
Can he recover? That is sixty-four thousand dollar question. In politics it is a question of knowing when to be patient and when not.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Some other Australian news

Good news

After the dismal shenanigans of politics and in particular the Abbott government, it's nice to be able to report some positives on the Australian scene.

After their Asian Cup win over Korea, the Australian soccer team have shot up 37 places to No 63 in the FIFA world rankings. After years of languishing on the fringe of sporting interests, it seems that soccer or football, depending on where you live, has come of age. 
The Special Broadcasting Corporation , or SBS, has been promoting soccer for oinks and it seems ironic that the win over Korea was broadcast by the ABC whose interest to now has been perfunctory. But as they say, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. 
Remaining on SBS programs, Australia has been invited to participate in the Eurovision song contest. Now beat that !
Let's hope Angela Merkel doesn't start to worry too much by these startling developments .

Friday, February 13, 2015

Needs must

"If sir doesn't like it, we have something else on the menu"

The latest mantra,  which the party faithful trot out at every interview possible , concentrates on the "mess inherited" from the previous Labor government.
With regard to the government's  attempts to implement draconian budget proposals, Mr Abbott insists they "hear what people are saying". To demonstrate his good faith, the PM argues that should any new, or old,  proposed budget measures not work, he will endeavour to serve up different options.Sounds like a deal? Probably more a question of mutton dressed up as lamb.