
Friday, July 31, 2015

Public Opinion

Far from the maddening crowd........??

Seems to be much ado ..about what?

Friday, July 10, 2015

Making a small fortune

into a smaller one....

 The Shanghai stock market has turned into a shock market.The bears are running amok.Real Estate gurus are hinting that this will have a flow on effect on the Sydney property market. Why? God knows. More than likely it's the Chinese Mr and Mrs Cheungs who have taken a mega hit; the tabloids identify them as the Mum and Dad investors. These have been gambling like billy-oh , shovelling housekeeping yuan into brokers' pockets like there's no tomorrow. 
The big investors, the multi rich ,some of  whom make Murdoch look like a pauper, will have been  cleaning up. It's called shorting.
There are a few universal truths that prevail in global stock exchanges. Firstly only invest what you can afford to lose, secondly do your homework and last but not least, don't panic.
Simples. Innit?

Friday, July 3, 2015

The more things change..

the more they are the same.

It's been going on for a while now and it's not looking as if it'll die down anytime soon.
New ways and new ideas can be particularly scary. 

The Texan country singer, humorist and columnist , with the appealing name of Kinky Friedman once remarked "I support gay marriage.I believe they have the right to be as  miserable as the rest of us."

 So, then, is marriage miserable? Based on figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics one in three marriages end in divorce . To be fair however this rate has been decreasing of late 

So what impact will same sex marriages have on statistics? No idea, because in reality the whole question is complex , too complex to untangle. It's a bubbling, seething quagmire of emotions and chaos. Get just two human beings together and you automatically have an frustrating  conundrum.

Finally, while on the subject  ,according to Discovery, the U.S. television channel,  there exists a hermaphrodite worm which has sex with its head.This method of reproduction is known as "selfing" not to be confused with "selfies" .

 Selfies involve heads, don't they? 
 Read into that whatever you will!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Stuck between a moussaka and a hard frickadelle

Own Goal or levelling the score?

This has been going on for so long I'm getting a thumping headache from the endless to-ing and fro-ing. Heartily sick of it, actually.
It must be the Greek way to live in an endless stat of chaos, where tomorrow will look after itself and yesterday is something to be talked about and analysed "ad nauseam" !
Anglo Saxon observers outside the European Union may be regarding this as the Armageddon of policies and high minded but impractical ideals where it all last!
From the sides there is the deafening sound of silence as fellow members of the basket case coterie, Spain, Italy and Portugal watch the endless procession of concerned dignitaries and ministers traipse between  EU member countries.
When will it all end? Hopefully soon and peacefully; peace after all was one of the prime objectives of the Union.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Vlad and Kim

 New relations

Having displeased his traditional ally , China, Kim Jong-un  is shifting his attention towards Russia  . Vladimir has  made himself unpopular with the West as a result of his actions in Crimea and Ukraine and is feeling the heat.
Putin has cancelled some of North Korea's debt and both countries intend to step up their trade in the coming year.
Kim, the Great Leader beloved everywhere in Pyongyang has not met one single world leader. Perhaps they don't like his haircut. It seems that Kim  might be plumping for Putin to make this  first major step outside his North Korea.
It seems both pariahs are looking for a meaningful relationship.....Aw...
                "Go on big fella.Gimme a hug!"