
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

NBA USA Basketball

(N) No.  (B) Bigots  (A) Allowed

Don't  think it's worth wasting any more time on Senator Brandis! However perhaps he should look at the news now and then and feel the pulse. Doesn't say much for Abbott , does it?

If it looks like a duck

It isn't a duck ....#
"You're not a tax, not a tax..."


       "'re a levy!"

Turbocharging our welfare..Budget 2014

Think somebody's missing out here? Go team! #
Echoes of  Donald Rumsfeld  ex US Sec Defence 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Broken promises


Friday, April 25, 2014

Taking a break

Been a little prolific recently. Excuse my enthusiasm, it's been a bit full on .
However got to catch up on some admin stuff , like taxation and other intriguing matters. Be back fairly soon.

Capital Designs by Kevin


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Tense days in the Himalays

Welcome to their world.



A Sherpa supported  expedition is one where a company organizes all the logistics: food, group gear, transportation plus Sherpa support but does not provide traditional western guides or, in some case, even a lead Sherpa Guide. These cater to experienced climbers or those on a tight budget. You can sign onto one of these climb for under $30,000 on the south side . Expeditions on the mountain spent almost $12 million in Nepal in the spring of 2012'.

"Statistics from "The Washington Post"

The Sherpa's have called off their mountain climbing season to honour dead colleagues.
 The New YorkTimes  reports a Sherpa as saying “Climbers actually say, ‘I’ve paid $50,000, you are here to work for me, and you have to accompany me !' .The mountain itself feels like it is losing its value. Just about everyone seems to want to climb it by paying a Sherpa who will ensure reaching the summit.”

A file of climbers snaking up Everest.

There are ecological problems namely with trash and unwanted cast offs.

Money however pours into the local economy, including hotel rooms, nights in teahouses, local cellphone use, and the hiring of yaks and porters to carry supplies up the mountain. 

 Frustration at the government is also spurring on  the Sherpa's decision. Mount Everest’s Sherpas can make $3,000 to $5,000 in a season, supplemented with bonuses if they reach the summit. But
they face huge risks, and some have expressed frustration as life on the mountain has been overwhelmed by circumstances. Added to the mix ,  Nepalese authorities have infuriated many of the Sherpas by offering 40,000 rupees, or about $410, as compensation to the families of the dead.

It all looks like a bit of a mess , in more ways than one!#


Foodies update

But is it carbon friendly?

Yahoo reports a new development in the world of culinary delights.One company has used an old-school technique to come up with the next big thing in cooking: smoked waterThe Anglesea Sea Salt Company developed their smoked water at the request of cutting-edge chef Heston Blumenthal.And now for the best part  ----Mixologists (not my word ) are very excited! #


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Sneak attack

Doesn't always pay to be near the top of the chain

Conspiracy theories

The independent Kuwait newspapers, Al Watan and Alam Al Yawm, published details of a videotape said to show former senior officials planning the overthrow of the Gulf state's leadership.The tape purportedly contains allegations of a plot to topple the ruling system led by the Kuwait emir, Sheik Sabah Al Ahmed Al Sabah:-
From security footage identifying conspirators

Sunday, April 20, 2014

George says......

Climate Change

Attorney-General George Brandis says people who say the science is settled on climate change are "ignorant and medieval". (Posted Sat 19 Apr 2014, 1:13pm AEST ABC News ).

Editor's comments:-
Ah, well! (Sigh!)

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Corrupt or bad luck?

" Gee! You should see what's going on in Australia! Unbelievable!"

The Bagwan's dissertation

Coarse language...
do not open link if you're easily offended

Water and wine

A $3000  bottle of 1959 Penfolds Grange  has brought about the downfall of NSW Premier, Barry O'Farrell.  Citing “significant memory fail on my part”. Mr O'Farrell Stepped down as New South Wales Premier  today.The bottle was a gift from Australian Water Holdings boss Nick Di Girolamo when the Liberals swept to power a couple of years ago. A signed note of thanks from Mr O'Farrell to Mr Di Girolamo  has appeared . Rooster one day, feather duster the next!

Friday, April 11, 2014

That word "Ëntitlement" again...


That word is cropping up again..Joe mentioned it the U.S. What's he doing there? Team Australia missed him ..perhaps he's too busy with the budget>>

Thursday, April 10, 2014

" Tosser and a Wanker"

Diary Of A Foreign Minister by Bob Carr (FM under the Gillard Labor Government)
There's no such thing, apparently, as bad publicity. Judging however from media comments,  the publicity surrounding Mr Carr's new book, has caused a bit of a stir in the Jewish community as well as animosity in the Press and from former colleagues who feel that Carr has "lost the plot". Carr is critical of almost anybody who comes near enough to dent his ego and accuses the Melbourne Jewish lobby of too much influence on the government of the day under Prime Minister Gillard,
As reported in The Chronicle
 "Mr Carr discusses the best choices for ties - Hermes and Bulgari - and compares flying business class to travelling in the "trans-Atlantic slave trade".
Mr Carr also writes ""I am Foreign Minister… I soar above the mundane and serve my country."
Way to go,Bob.

Australian Water Holdings

Is baldness a drawback?

Although only a witness in the Australian Water Holdings enquiry, Arthur seemed to have trouble .There was an awful lot of vagueness and forgetfulness during the proceedings. Strange for someone who was Chairman. Must be something to do with cold air hitting a scalp devoid of hair. "They" all affirm he's a top bloke!!
P.S. Eddie ,  too , is " hirsutely" challenged

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Of bigotry and things..

Still can't get over it...

The Attorney General's remark re bigotry is complete jabberwocky. Quite amazing !

Friday, April 4, 2014

If it's not resolved....

Winter is nature's way of saying, "Up yours.”
Robert Byrne

The rise and rise of Liberalism ( softly softly).

The very model of an Attorney General

After his remark of having the right to be bigots , (24/March?2014), it's all gone very quiet round this particular and peculiar statement. There were a few splutters from some prominent people but for the rest it's surprising , isn't it, that the media have not pursued this further. Did he hit a nerve or strike a chord?
The calls for an increase in GST ( 12/March/2014) are becoming more vocal with  a senior civil servant's remarks being endorsed by Glen Stevens, Reserve Bank of Ausrtr4alia head honcho, while the Immigration Minister is off on a jaunt to Cambodia to discuss matters of mutual interest (27/February 2014). There must be a method in the madness.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

100 days

The Australian Government announced that 100 days of their asylum policy has been  a success.
This success has been marked by secrecy, cancellation of press briefings and silencing of details regarding asylum seekers plight in detention. Success can be quite subjective. The detention of children is also being questioned by the Human Rights Commission.
Scare them  off for good!

(Cartoon based on Al Hirschfeld's  caricature of Ben Turpin and the Keystone Cops)