
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Panda-ing to the U.S

Bear Hug

It's been a bit of a quiet time for China.

After the Malaysian Air disaster, focus has been on the Ukraine, Russia and Crimea. Attention is once more turning to the adolescent superpower.

There are accusations flying around re Chinese military officials hacking into U.S companies'
computer systems and the subsequent theft of sensitive material. The Australian press is also keen to tag along..advancing similar claims..a sort of keeping up with the Joneses. I'd like to add more on this trait but have been criticised for being too long winded with this blog  (not from a reader )  so I'll keep it short.

Of course there is little doubt that espionage is a tit for tat business. I don't imagine the U.S. is not as pure as the driven slush when it comes to espionage  or cyber spying.

It was of course a frightful thing to happen, the disappearance of the Malaysian Airlines Boeing with more that 200 people on board. It might well be one of those mysteries that last for years although the current salvage team are confident something will be found within the year. Here , the Chinese were also actively involved and their ships scoured the ocean for days. Unfortunately  a few seamen call Ping  fell overboard and their retrieval caused not a little confusion with news reporters Apparently a number of Pings were located and retrieved.

It's an awful and sad business for all those involved, while there has been a fair amount of skull-duggery mainly to cover up gross errors and inefficiencies by those authorities responsible. A messy affair with the pilots' reputation being torn to shreds in their absence.

To conclude while on the subject of things Chinese , here is a photo taken by my son while he was working in Shanghai.
Luv it!