
Sunday, June 1, 2014

Dutch Lion

FIFA 2014
                        And here we are, with another competition that raises emotions, blood pressure and the
discovery of lost nationalities ( e.g. great grandmother's favourite head butler who was somehow connected to one's family and therefore entitles you to lay claim to that nationality).
                         It's going to be four weeks or so on intense commentary and discussion. I recall last time, some commentators and analysts made themselves extremely unpopular by constantly flogging one of the favourites. It's a wonder they were not lynched.
                         It would seem this time the top ten favourites are (according to some but not all analysts):-

Germany,Brazil,Argentine,Spain,Italy, Portugal,The Netherlands, England,Belgium and France.

I will try every now and then to add a picture which represents the various teams involved.The Dutch are extremely conspicuous because of their bright orange jerseys. Rows and rows of them. Should be interesting? 

Non? Hein?Nee?Nein? No?