
Saturday, January 24, 2015

It's a man thing

Venus or Mars anyone?

Once men lose their ability to open jars or bottles for the fairer sex, they will be done for. Women, in most Western countries, are coming to the fore in all areas of activity.
The male of the human species has, as do women, unique traits. For example he does not like the feeling of helplessness unless of course some little bimbo flutters her eyelids at him, turning his knees to jelly. Women being the more canny know this and use this to their advantage. A sure fire way for the female to escape a speeding ticket is to break down into tears this works a charm. Unless the officer is herself female, then all bets are off.
In Germany, a landlord sued his tenant for damage to the bathroom marble floor caused by, you guessed it, splashes and dribbles. The landlord demanded about Euro 1500,99 in damages. The judge in Dusseldorf dismissed the claim ruling that the man's method was "within cultural norms".
There is a debate in Germany concerning the man's right to urinate standing up as opposed to sitting down.Some public toilets, in fact, have signs that indicate urinating in an upright position is verboten and those who choose to urinate sitting are referred to derogatorily by their colleagues as sitzen pinkler. 
While domesticated man's position in the household, in the West, is morphing dramatically and household arguments over ways and means are increasing as a result, the judge's ruling was a message to "p... off" .