
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Au revoir for now

Am off for a number of weeks..until 20 th september
Take care

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Vicious circle

Day by day, month by month , year by year.

Every year it gets worse. Hardly surprising for the seeds of hate and distrust have been sewn and embedded deep in the psyche of both sides.

As always nowadays, it's the innocents who suffer while the extremists continue their ideological battles.Both sides claim justification for what is happening.

It's getting worse because both sides but in particular groups such as Hamas have realised that in order to obtain their objectives hey have to be disciplined, organised and trained. The rumoured plan that they aimed to invade Israel through the tunnels with a large number of their organisation is probably what led Israel to their assault some three weeks ago.

Gaza is a strategic tool and even though the current conflagration might eventually die down  , it will only be temporary before the next and possibly more violent outbreak takes place.