
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

"Grace notes"

Tony Abbott reintroduces knight and dame honours for Australians

(Acknowledgement to Ward Kimball, Disney cartoonist).

Epic Boat Star

Quite a tow job

Monday, March 24, 2014

Right to be a bigot

Australia's Attorney-General George Brandis has defended the Government's plan to amend a key part of the nation's racial discrimination laws, saying people have "a right to be bigots".

From ABC "Just in " news published on web 24th March 2014.

Saturday, March 22, 2014


Things that seem like good ideas at the time

There are times when supreme confidence and ego take over one's psyche.

depending on how much one has had to drink there are time when our boozer could be forgiven for thinking he can do anything, face anything at anytime. But then that's just the booze talking. In Henry Fielding's classic novel, later made into a movie,  Tom Jones, the author Fielding makes the observation

that in his view, drink does not alter the nature of a man, it just reveals it more clearly.
Regardless , there are things that should never be attempted no matter how confident and assured you are.