
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Foodies update

But is it carbon friendly?

Yahoo reports a new development in the world of culinary delights.One company has used an old-school technique to come up with the next big thing in cooking: smoked waterThe Anglesea Sea Salt Company developed their smoked water at the request of cutting-edge chef Heston Blumenthal.And now for the best part  ----Mixologists (not my word ) are very excited! #


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Sneak attack

Doesn't always pay to be near the top of the chain

Conspiracy theories

The independent Kuwait newspapers, Al Watan and Alam Al Yawm, published details of a videotape said to show former senior officials planning the overthrow of the Gulf state's leadership.The tape purportedly contains allegations of a plot to topple the ruling system led by the Kuwait emir, Sheik Sabah Al Ahmed Al Sabah:-
From security footage identifying conspirators

Sunday, April 20, 2014

George says......

Climate Change

Attorney-General George Brandis says people who say the science is settled on climate change are "ignorant and medieval". (Posted Sat 19 Apr 2014, 1:13pm AEST ABC News ).

Editor's comments:-
Ah, well! (Sigh!)