
Tuesday, May 6, 2014


News Update

Friday, May 2, 2014

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Scottish Referendum

You may or may not be aware, in September (the 18th to be precise) Scotland will vote to either remain a part of the United Kingdom or secede and become ostensibly an independent entity.
This idea has been around for a long tme but it is one of the peculiarities of this age that the more educated we become the more aware we are of who we are, My father who passed away a number of years ago was a keen proponent of this idea arguing that Scotland had the resources and ability to hold its own, The venerable HSBC was affectionately referred to , in years gone by, as the Home for Scottish Bank Clerks,The Bank of England was founded by a Scotsman ( and the Bank of Scotland by and Englishman),
It's hard to say at this stage who will win; either the home rule guard or those who would like to keep the status quo. For my part I am ambivalent as I have not lived there for oinks.
Moody s however has forecast that should Scotland leave the United Kingdom their credit rating would be downgraded to "A " e.g.on a level with Botswana, Needless to say both sides are keen at this stage to remain within the EU. With their canny sense of economics I doubt if the Scots would be too worried by Moody's forecast.