
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Financial people

They're only human

Bankers are a breed apart. They're a bit like policemen, they never lose that feeling that they have a duty to themselves and the world to remain unchanging and steadfast in their pursuit of happiness in their chosen careers.
It's true to say that money is, unfortunately, a man-made abstract concept which is used as a standard by which to measure people.

Accumulation of wealth and possessions cannot simply reflect a person's character, surely?

One older member of the credit committee which used to assess loan applications was so sensitive of the word "risk" that the very mention of the offensive word  in any application led to an automatic thumbs down from on high. Thereafter It would take a couple of swift snorters from the mahogany drinks cabinet to restore the old boy's equilibrium ready to face the rest of the day.

One Manager I worked for was definitely a nut case of the first water. After a particularly violent argument with the wife he became so displeased that he locked her in the bathroom and fed her by lowering a food tray through the skylight above the bolted door. She lasted three days before a concerned neighbour became anxious at the wife' s seeming disappearance and arranged a rescie operation. Needless to say no charges were laid which in today's liberated world in inconceivable.

Bankers lend you an umbrella when it's dry and want it back when it rains. They are also not very fond of surprises. Anyway, enough said on this subject....

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Stamping out

Guns and viruses

One of the issues among many, that is facing the U.S. is the question of gun control. Despite his willingness and promises President Obama has made little, if any, headway with the issue as he  tries to reduce the reliance of U.S citizens on their weapons. It will almost certainly take an absurdly long time for Americans to give up their God-given right to own and use firearms. The laws applying to the purchase of firearms are as loose and flexible as to be risible,
The other issue that is causing some concern is the importation of the Ebola virus by a resident returning from Liberia . The number of people with whom he has come into contact is rising but so far nobody else has succumbed to the illness. Hopefully, this is it... but as always, it ain't over until the fat lady sings!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Free and easy with democracy

The responsibility of tolerance lies with those who have the wider vision.George Eliot

Sydney Morning Herald (3rd October) reports that Prime Minister Tony Abbott will kill off a plan proposed by Speaker Bronwyn Bishop and Senate President Stephen Parry that would require women wearing head and facial coverings such as burqas to be separated from the public at Parliament House. 

So far, there have been no announcements from the PM's office. 
How far are we prepared to go to  "protect" democracy?

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


1st July 1997 was the handover of Hong Kong to China. The U.K. did its best to ensure that some form of democracy remained but it was basically a face saving measure in the face of humongous odds. Things are now changing and the protests there are posing an interesting conundrum. Who will blink first? The answer will more than likely come soon.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Surprise, surprise!

Yesterday, President Obama admitted that the speed of ISIS's advance had caught them by surprise.
Wonder what they were doing the rest of the time?