A class act
Christine Lagarde rose to prominence when appointed Finance Minister in 2007 by the then President of France Sarkozy or Sarky as he was referred to in France.Her
frenchness and internationalism was a refreshing change for European politicians long used to the Gallic myopia of her predecessor.
Smart, chic and successful, she is a lawyer by profession and was the global head for the law firm of Baker, Mackenzie in the U.S.
Hard working and professional
Lagarde has an appetite for technical detail (very French) and the knack of getting her with with charm rather than bullying. She is also an advocate of social issues including climate change , which she
sees as real , as well as the role of women , once claiming that there was too much testosterone in high-powered circles. She is also a firm advocate of the role of the Euro in international markets,
She has recently voiced her concern at the possible impact of the Ebola virus on sustained growth and recovery after the
GFC. With the current mixture of Ukraine, Syria, IS and Ebola she has her work cut out for her.
"The global economy needs new policy momentum to beat mediocre growth." |