
Saturday, May 24, 2014

Sydney the Rocks

The Rocks city side ( one of mine)

Southern end of the Harbour Bridge is popular with teenagers and young adults, particularly on a Saturday night when getting smashed seems to be the object of the exercise. It's quite a historic place with the old wool sheds and storage spaces now converted into restaurants, bars and other eating places. There's also a market which is open all day Sunday and most days during summer.
You only really get an idea of the size of the bridge from this's a massive piece of engineering.Standing beneath it is awesome.

I once caught a sailing boat cruise from just behind those buildings. It was interesting but slow, slow,slow. It must have been both frustrating and a pleasure to travel in days of yore; like the difference between modern airliners and the old airships. The captain was fascinating enigma. Couldn't work out if he or she was a he or she. Long hair, long purple fingernails (polished) made it hard to determine gender while the uniform and voice was a unisex camouflage

To get back to the Rocks, as the area is known, of course it is not only the place where people go to let their hair down; there are a number of expensive hotels and shops that lure disembarking passengers who interrupt their world wide cruises.
Anyway..just a piece of blog as I will not be able to devote as much time as I would like to this exercise for the next couple of days.
It's like everything else when you are at your busiest a whole lot of work , new work, drops on your desk and off you go, like a blue-arsed fly. Often wondered why blue-arsed flies are so busy. Anybody enlighten me?
Write soon..

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