
Friday, June 13, 2014

Walk, text and firing blanks

Not Pocket science -yet

According to statistics for 2103 there are more than 7 billion mobile phones in use , world-wide. Australia ranks 38th in world-wide terms but 6th in terms of smart phones in use. 
These are big numbers.

Of course with the use of mobile phones comes controversy , some of it proven and some not.

While the scare of cancer has been downgraded and probably dismissed at this stage as a cause of cancer there are other issues that are at play and notably the issue of pedestrian safety. Using the mobile while driving is an infringement under the law however texting while walking is yet to be put to the fore. 

More skillful than walking and chewing gum at the same time  nevertheless the number of pedestrian deaths is starting to cause alarm in police circles. To be cut off in mid sentence by a SUV or a Mack truck leaves a lot of unfinished business and yet more trials and tribulations with funerals and family trauma to come. 

Trauma director at St Vincent's Hospital Sydney, Dr Tony Grabs, has told 7.30 report on ABC ,  distracted pedestrians near roads are as at risk as someone under the influence of alcohol.
Then many are those mobile owners who travel abroad with their phone only to return home relaxed and happy , a state of mind which soon turns to so much stress when they find themselves faced with bills the size of a small mortgage.

In the latest development ,  a recent study by the University of Essex has indicated there might be a link between mobiles and fertility/infertility amongst  men who dock their mobile in their trousers when finished.  (Dr. Fiona Mathews, director of biosciences and animal behavior at the University of Exeter).

This however has not been proven beyond doubt and one researcher has stated that this will not change his habits nor does it call for concrete underwear. Back pockets are also a favourite place to dock the phone ..wonder what that holds in store?

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