
Friday, July 25, 2014

Casualty of War

Mish Mash a la Russe

It's been a frightful week. Tragic. 

It's ironic that Putin's daughter is actually living in Holland . In Australia there have been reports of the Russian Association has been receiving abusive calls and veiled threats. That's the trouble with war, nobody really wins and the recent rise of Russian influence and politics is vaguely reminiscent of the resurgence of nationalistic pride in Germany after the WW1. Pride follows a fall. 

There have been some abortive attempts within Russia itself to impeach, for want of a better word, Gorbachev for his role in the collapse of the old Soviet Union. Listening to Russian citizens , both young and old, many are satisfied with Putin's performance. They claim to like a strong leader, one who can be admired and respected in the world. It is hard to imagine Russia directly implicated in the act, more likely it's an unspeakable action taken  by other factions on the ground. 

Needless to say, the separatists have not impressed the world by their behaviour.  

The one who pressed the button or launched the rocket which downed MH 17 will, no doubt, not be found. The confusion is too great and the political implications  too vast to be able to entertain any sense of real justice. 

In war everyone is a casualty, one way or the other not can conflict be isolated, in today's world, to any particular region.
PS: just learned  that Putin's daughter, Maria,  has fled The Netherlands for security reasons.

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