
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Crimea river

Peace in our time? Probably not...

Since the annexation of Crimea earlier this year the situation in Ukraine is tense. In 2014 the estimated population in Ukraine was 44 million of which 17% were of Russian ethnicity.It is the largest country in Europe hence its importance politically and geographically ,
Putin denied the claims by Ukraine and the West that Russian special forces were fomenting unrest in eastern Ukraine.
In June Gazprom, the Russian oil company, shut of gas supplies to Ukraine , an action which may threaten European supplies .
The stand off continues and while it bis reported  Ukraine has sufficient supplies to last until December of this year it's highly likely that the situation will again reach crisis point before the end of the year. 
With the new Ukrainian government taking a harder line towards the Russian separatists and Russia with its finger very much on the pulse and supporting the separatists if not morally,  the tension continues .

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