
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Democracy on trial

Guilty until proven definitely guilty 

On 18th March 2014 the then Justice Head Adly Mansour declared he would  "spare no effort" in his attempts to secure Australian, Peter Greste's and his Al Jazeera colleagues release. Since then after a few fruitless trips to court where ,caged like animals, they awaited the judge's pleasure or displeasure , the journalists are still in limbo. The new Egyptian President , el- Sisi, despite calls from the Australian Prime Minister, has declared he will not interfere with the  Egyptian judiciary. (He obviously has a finely developed sense of irony . If it ain't working, don't fix it!) The ramifications of the Arab Spring are far reaching and Qatar's support of the Muslim Brotherhood, is not in the journos favour. The process is a farce and conditions outside the court and within the country are reported to be even worse than when under Mubarak. 
"Kiss my Asp"

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