
Friday, July 11, 2014

Empathy and communication

Could be better (much actually)

It would seem that the current crew in Canberra might have a bit to learn yet. 

Everything was thrown into confusion yesterday when Clive Palmer backed out his deal with the Coalition on the abolition of the Carbon Tax , claiming perfidy and dark deeds by the Government. He then went on holiday to New Zealand .

It would not be surprising if the Abbott government had in fact done a bit of "fine tuning"to the deal on the table but they claim vehemently they haven't contributed in any way to the ensuing ruckus,

The current Prime Minister and his followers appear to be suffering from a lack of trust as well as an
inability to communicate with the populace at large as to what they are up to. It's little wonder. They have kept mum on the refugee question and denied  until they are blue in the face that anything is going on. It took the Sri Lankan navy to inform us that they had " accepted" some 40 refugees ( who will be tried for breaking immigration procedures ) and for news to eventually filter out that there are some 100 or more other refugees of Tamil origin who are drifting aimlessly in the ocean somewhere.

Finally there is the budget which is a popular as an al fresco cafe in a hurricane. Selling the budget has turned  into a titanic silent struggle. Paul Keating would have been out on the hustings convincing all and sundry that what was proposed was necessary and vital for  country. Instead , since the budget, there have been rare glimpses of Joe ; it's almost as if he's in a huff. 

Another factor to consider is the government's seeming lack of empathy. They're just not "clicking" with the electorate. This and the lack of communication is contributing heavily to their poor performance in the polls. No doubt, the Liberals would claim they couldn't care less about the polls but it is a measure that shows the performance of the government.

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