
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Scots Referendum

Nutting it out

The time for the Scottish referendum on Independence is drawing nigh. At this stage it could go either way but statistically it's more likely that the Scots will remain part of the UK and not an independent state.

Currently, according to The Scotsman poll, about 48% will vote to remain integrated within the UK while 41% want independence and 11% undecided. 

It seems that the undecideds are shifting their preference towards the pro independence vote but as with everything change is always possible. It would take a major event to swing the vote for a decisive independence victory.

There is an enormous amount of talent within Scotland that could be utilised. However the problems facing a possible independent Scotland are enormous with the EU, Oil, Currency and the National debt posing major headaches, not insurmountable but nevertheless daunting.

Interesting to note that some 17% of voters say they would seriously think of leaving if Scotland succeeded in its quest. Not surprisingly the strongest "No"votes are from the older age group.
Would Hadrian's Wall be re-erected if the Scots were to go hae?

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