
Showing posts with label Australia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Australia. Show all posts

Thursday, December 18, 2014

The powers that be thought processes ....Impenetrable as tissue paper

Back in the beginning of this blog, it was mooted that the question of GST would not be long in coming.

Now the word is out and it'll crescendo r from a whisper into a roar.

Meet the new Loony Tunes Australian brothers....

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Weather or not.......

...we change for the inevitable?

A bit of a bombshell for Mr. Abbott at the APEC meeting this week ; an agreement in principle between the U.S. and China to work seriously towards realistic target emissions. It may not work but it brings into focus the issue that has been confronting scientists for some years, namely global warming and the changes that it foreshadows in our environment. 
Where to now? Will Australia concede there is a problem? (Vladimir is also very quiet..he's been preoccupied with sending covert submarine missions as well as naval shenanigans near Australian territorial waters. )

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

..and talking of lone wolves

Tax tax and more....

There's talk of a mature debate on tax reform ( read tax increases) in Australia..the least painful of which , according to the gurus, is.....