
Showing posts with label EU. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EU. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Stuck between a moussaka and a hard frickadelle

Own Goal or levelling the score?

This has been going on for so long I'm getting a thumping headache from the endless to-ing and fro-ing. Heartily sick of it, actually.
It must be the Greek way to live in an endless stat of chaos, where tomorrow will look after itself and yesterday is something to be talked about and analysed "ad nauseam" !
Anglo Saxon observers outside the European Union may be regarding this as the Armageddon of policies and high minded but impractical ideals where it all last!
From the sides there is the deafening sound of silence as fellow members of the basket case coterie, Spain, Italy and Portugal watch the endless procession of concerned dignitaries and ministers traipse between  EU member countries.
When will it all end? Hopefully soon and peacefully; peace after all was one of the prime objectives of the Union.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

What a difference a day makes ..........

Je suis bĂȘte

It's been a heavy few days. Unprecedented scenes of camaraderie and solidarity. Funny that it takes a shock,like the events of last week,  to unite us. Why can't the EU continue in this vein?
Doubt it. We're a funny mob capable of all sorts of things . Side by side with the throngs that crowded Paris streets , we have anti-islamisation demonstrations in Germany.

The Human Rights Watch reports that in six months of 2014  Boko Haram have killed , in Nigeria, more than 2000 innocent men,women and children , the annual figure ir reported to be nearer 10000; recently, too, in Pakistan more than 130 school children were gunned down in cold blood in the name of belief.

We are convinced our democratic ideals are true and are shocked to find those who don't agree. It's like the old Guru, smugly secure, in splendid isolation , atop a high mountain who,  when told that the meaning of life was not a deep well , replied thunderstruck, "It isn't?"

People can get killed for their convictions but  their beliefs and faith live on. Time is the sole evidence and proof of validity.

Alas, stupidity too, lives on. This is an ideal time for those arguing the case for bigotry to emerge from the shadows.

Bigotry is worse than stoopid.
He was told to stick the bomb in a jumbo jet's hold