
Showing posts with label Greeks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Greeks. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Look on the bight side....

Optimism is many things to many people. For Americans more and more to Australians it is the hope that there's a buck in it, For the Brits it is that they only have to shake hands with strangers and none of this kissing nonsense that goes on. For the Italians and Greeks it is that the taxman never visits them and for the Chinese it is that every day is a twenty four hour working day. The French are optimistic that they'll find a cute little mistress and the Germans hope that each day runs like clockwork.

Of course without optimism one cannot succeed; never heard of a pessimistic tycoon. Miserable, yes but not without hope.

Optimism relates to a state of mind that one will be satisfied with one's  lot in life. So there you go, be happy, be optimistic and you'll rarely be disappointed.
