
Showing posts with label Limiting democracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Limiting democracy. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Continuing trouble in little China

Hong Kong

Hundreds of police using sledgehammers knocked down and cleared barricades set up by protesting students in Hong Kong.

The students however retaliated by making  a surprise move to occupy the tunnel on Lung Wo Road, an important east-west artery near the offices of the Hong Kong 
In the meantime roads through the Central business district and a main city tram line have reopened.

The Hong Kong and Beijing governments have called the protests illegal. Some of the city's most powerful players and businessmen had earlier warned that occupying the heart of the city to press for democracy could undermine stability.

Mr Leunhe city's pro-Beijing leader said this week there was a fat chance that China's leaders would give in to protesters' demands and change an August decision limiting democracy. The protesters want Mr Leung to step down.

The show goes on...