
Showing posts with label MH 17. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MH 17. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

And the abbot said to the bear......

I'll huff an'I'll puff...

Recently the Australian Prime Minister vented his spleen on Vladimir, threatening to "shirtfront"  the Russian leader at the G7 meeting to be held in Brisbane, over the MH17 disaster above The Ukraine in July of this year.
Now that's an interesting use of English. Is the intention intend to compare the laundry skills of the Russians as opposed to the speedy service of our local bagwash shops? Or are Australian shirtfront starchier than Russian linen Tolstovkas
Interesting to to note that no such remarks have been made by the Netherlands who lost some 198 nationals in the tragedy. 
Perhaps Mr Abbott was playing to the opinion polls seeing that his ratings have increased since the deployment of forces against the bloodthirsty IS insurgents in Syria, Iraq and  Turkish border.
Not really helpful in the long run.