
Showing posts with label Malcolm Turnbull. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Malcolm Turnbull. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

May you live......

in interesting times......(Chinese malediction)

The twittering classes have been at it , this time signing off on a tweet posted to the ABC program
Q & A with what has been labelled a "lewd" twitter.
All this caused a bit of a rukus with the Minsiter for Communication, Malcolm Turnbull, demanding answers from the ABC , again.
It's been an interesting week with signs that the giant manufacturing economy of China bursting at the seams and investors' cash  quickly evaporating into cyber space .
A bit nervy all round with governments assuring one and all that this is merely an overdue correction.  Hope this appeals to the highly illogical markets..they're all a bit mad, even at the best of times.!

Friday, February 27, 2015

The Curious Contraption of Mr Abbott

"We are continuing to govern the country...despite Canberra gossip.."

Image taken from The Curious Contraptions of Heath Robinson

It won't go away..will it? The P.M. insists that all is well and there's nothing to worry about.Well he would,  wouldn't he? In the meantime, Mal's purring like a Rolls Royce running on aviation fuel as he softly denies any intended or even unintended treachery.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

A Hairy experience

"A storm in a teacup" so says the P,M,
The rumblings continue with quite a number of backbenchers unhappy with the P.M's political adviser, Peta Credlin. Hubby is a senior Liberal party member . Credlin was Malcolm Turnbull's Chief for a while and there was no outcry at the time. However, the discontent within the party has quite a bit to do with the P.M's leadership, despite the slight rise in his favour in the opinion polls.