
Showing posts with label Polo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Polo. Show all posts

Friday, January 30, 2015

Riding wildly in all directions at the same time....

All together now

The controversy of the  Australian knighthood awarded to HRH Prince Philip continues to appear in the press.
"My leadership style's a bit different but we'll get there.." 

 Lots of spin from the PM's senior colleagues. changing the subject by those who don't have an opinion and mutinous rumblings from backbenchers.

If one displeased the ancient Moguls it was a question of "Off with his head"  and your head would be an integral  part of a jolly game of polo amidst a blur of whinnying horses and clouds of dust in the middle of the Steppes. Today's Moguls are a little less bloodthirsty but nevertheless, the physically wilting Murdoch (it's the story of Dorian Gray come to life, Rupert looks like he has to screw his hat on ) has called for Peta Credlin's head (Abbott's top aide)  to be delivered on a salver.The press and others are having a field day and the saga continues despite apologies and "Mea culpa" acknowledgements . 

The PM's leadership style seems to be one of looking back to the future.But as with everything , there's only so much one can make out of the episode...this,too shall pass.