
Showing posts with label floral tribute. Show all posts
Showing posts with label floral tribute. Show all posts

Friday, December 19, 2014

Of guns .....

....and roses

"What happened in that cafe  (Lindt hostage incident, Sydney) would have been most unlikely to have occurred in Florida, Texas, or Vermont, or Alaska in America.., " so declared Liberal Democrat senator David Leyonhjelm  promoting the need for guns in "self defence" .

A number of things are also most unlikely to occur in the U.S. such as social welfare for the under-privileged, job security, tolerance for the less fortunate and so on. The Senator was advocating the right of Australian citizens to bear arms after the siege incident earlier in the week, More likely to occur are shootings and rampages that have seen innocents and students gunned down by some delusional maniac.

Thankfully his remarks were dismissed by most sane people including the former PM John Howard who oversaw the surrender of a vast number of illegal arms after the Port Arthur massacre in April 1996.

The ensuing floral tribute in Martin Place says much more than the Senator's mutterings.