
Showing posts with label lottery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lottery. Show all posts

Sunday, November 16, 2014

What's around the corner

Expect the unexpected.

The dragon depicted below doesn't have any wings, As a little dragon he backed into a deli slicer and lost both flaps. Hence for him the immediate danger is what he can't see and that is namely, the unexpected.

This really applied to negative events like being faced with a sudden bill or a twist of fate which knocks you off your feet.

Talking of unexpected,  thirty years ago, or more, a highly intelligent and close relative marveled at the advent of the computer but wondered what one could do with it. T
he internet has been an extraordinary development but it has also revealed the weirdos out there.

Today I received an email  from someone purporting to be a U.S.$50 million lottery winner who wished to share his good fortune with me having picked my email at random. He proposed to gift US$1 million to my account out of the goodness of his heart provided I forwarded details etc etc. Yeah, right. Now that was unexpected .