
Showing posts with label suicide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label suicide. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

No Show

No Way!

..and he was sent The Bill

It was reported in the press that the parents of a five year old boy who missed a birthday party , given by a school friend, received a bill for $25.00 from the birthday boy's parents.The bill was to cover costs incurred.

Not nice stuff, Bickering parents, unhappy school friends and an unpleasant after taste.

A number of years ago in the U.S. someone tried to commit suicide by jumping in front of a train, The driver was able to stop and death avoided. A number of weeks later, the relative transport authority was sued by the unhappy survivor , citing that his right to commit suicide had been denied. 

Perhaps he should have sent the city transport a bill instead. As a race we have risen from the mud through millions of years to become the dominant intelligent species. Suppose that is the grist for the mill for writers,artists and philosophers and talking of bills ......lawyers.