
Monday, September 7, 2015


Australia's refugee problem

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

May you live......

in interesting times......(Chinese malediction)

The twittering classes have been at it , this time signing off on a tweet posted to the ABC program
Q & A with what has been labelled a "lewd" twitter.
All this caused a bit of a rukus with the Minsiter for Communication, Malcolm Turnbull, demanding answers from the ABC , again.
It's been an interesting week with signs that the giant manufacturing economy of China bursting at the seams and investors' cash  quickly evaporating into cyber space .
A bit nervy all round with governments assuring one and all that this is merely an overdue correction.  Hope this appeals to the highly illogical markets..they're all a bit mad, even at the best of times.!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Re: Cycling

 A better way

Every time I see an adult on a bicycle, I no longer despair for the future of the human race.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Rank and authority a la Aussie


 No respecter of authority the Aussie larriken is the stuff of legends. There's a certain vicarious thrill experienced by Ron, Gordie or Bazza at seeing company executives fisticuffing away on the street or giving the Bronx Cheer to pompous Colonel Blimps. 

However a funny thing happens where kids are involved ;this is where irreverent behaviour is not the done thing. In the womb,   Aussie foetuses are already genetically equipped with  footy boots, tennis racquets,cricket bats and budgie smugglers. They are then moulded and shaped by the elder generations based on sporting models and heroes. This is where larrikenism stops. Dead in its tracks.

Bad show , Nick! (Kyrgios).Not a good example for kids.  The fact that he is temperamental hasn't helped..if he were to win a bit more might it be a different story?

Friday, July 31, 2015

Public Opinion

Far from the maddening crowd........??

Seems to be much ado ..about what?