
Friday, October 31, 2014

Rooster one day

Feather duster the next.....(?)

President Obama  largely has avoided appearing in public with Democratic candidates. Many of them have not wanted to be seen with him because of his poor standing in the polls. Obama is also unpopular in a handful of states where competitive Senate races will help determine party control of Congress' upper chamber for the two years Obama has left in office. Democrats have the majority, but could lose it if Republicans gain six seats.
Instead, Obama has been aggressively raising money for Democratic candidates. Before the rally, he was attending a Democratic National Committee fundraiser with about 25 supporters who gave $16,200 and up to attend the round-table event at the Cape Elizabeth home of Michaud supporters Bob Monks and Bonnie Porta.
( U.S.News 30/October/2014)


Happy Halloween 

                                                            (if Google does it so do I!)
I think we got most of it!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

What did she say?

Hilar(ious)y Clinton:-

"OMG !!"

The likely 2016 presidential candidate. Hilary Clinton , said at a campaign event last Friday for Martha Coakley, the Massachusetts Democratic gubernatorial candidate:
"Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs,” former Secretary of State Clinton said in Boston. “You  know that old theory, trickledown economics. . That has been tried,  that has failed. It has failed rather spectacularly."    
Conservatives are spinning with disbelief while Democrats are trying to spin their way out of it. Perhaps there's a wee bit of truth in what she said? Who knows?                                                                 


Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Refugees' Halloween

Halloween's a coming up...
Sent back and slapped with the stigma of Ebola....Governments are a necessary evil?

..and talking of lone wolves

Tax tax and more....

There's talk of a mature debate on tax reform ( read tax increases) in Australia..the least painful of which , according to the gurus, is.....

Saturday, October 25, 2014

On the crest of a wave

Tony's climbing the polls

Inspired by other talented artists.With grateful thanks
"Darling, I do think the PM's doing a sterling job! I mean, imagine, those queue jumpers complaining about being sent to Cambodia! Harry and I were there last year and we absolutely adored it! Wonderful people, absolutely gorgeous country.If the government offered to send me there all expenses paid, I'd be off like a shot! And he's handling other people's terrorist events wonderfully! And as for this Ebola thing..I mean troops to Syria is one thing but sending civilians to darkest Africa is quite another..don't you agree?"

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Life (Dutch) on Mars

Stop the world I wanna get off....

With sincere apologies to Vermeer

History has it in spades that the Dutch were or are, great explorers. They are also direct and efficient which is why in many multinational corporations you will often find  Dutchies in positions of responsibility. .

Now they have taken to the last frontier, promoting a competition (which will be televised) for intrepid souls to strut their stuff with a view to emigrating to Mars in 2022. Anyone can apply (the fee is approx $38 U,S.) The company is appropriately named  Mars One.

Applicants need not expect to return ; this is a one way venture. Big time. Mars One wants to build a colony that will be able to grow with an ever-expanding crew. The group means to launch a supply mission that will land on Mars as soon as October 2016. A "settlement rover" will land in 2018. Mars One has already received thousands of prospective applicants.
 Candidates must be resilient, adaptable, resourceful and must work well within a team. The whole project will   be broadcast  from the reality TV style selection process, to landing and beyond..

Tellingly at a news conference, Mars One's co-founder Bas Lansdorp said he'd like to go to Mars himself, but  he isn't   because his girlfriend won't come along.


Saturday, October 18, 2014

Japan's food dilemma

Slowing down fast foods

It seems that Japan has a bit of a crisis on its hands. Its cuisine is being bypassed by schoolkids who prefer the faster but more fat laden Western fast food. Purchases of rice and miso , a seasoned soup, are down from the levels of 25 years ago.

Japanese cuisine is world renowned and Tokyo has more Michelin star restaurants than London and Paris combined. Japanese chef Murata who runs three such eating houses is known for his elaborate and simple 12 course meals but has  diverted some of his passion  to making simple traditional food with school children in mind.

"Japanese people are the longest living in the world and we want to keep it that way," he says.

Low in fat content Japan's cuisine is judged to be responsible for less obesity in its  population compared to the West.

The chefs say that it will take at least a generation to halt the shift from traditional food to the Western style diet.

Their aim is to save the health and traditions of Japan.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

The new i phone 6

The boomerang effect

There's been a fair amount of criticism of the new iphone's too big and it bends. Not to worry, Apple, it could be used as a boomerang in the outback.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Continuing trouble in little China

Hong Kong

Hundreds of police using sledgehammers knocked down and cleared barricades set up by protesting students in Hong Kong.

The students however retaliated by making  a surprise move to occupy the tunnel on Lung Wo Road, an important east-west artery near the offices of the Hong Kong 
In the meantime roads through the Central business district and a main city tram line have reopened.

The Hong Kong and Beijing governments have called the protests illegal. Some of the city's most powerful players and businessmen had earlier warned that occupying the heart of the city to press for democracy could undermine stability.

Mr Leunhe city's pro-Beijing leader said this week there was a fat chance that China's leaders would give in to protesters' demands and change an August decision limiting democracy. The protesters want Mr Leung to step down.

The show goes on...

On y va

Let's Go....

Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy has recently re-launched his political career with a rally near the city of Lille. 
Opinion polls now suggest President Hollande has become the most unpopular French president in modern times.

Mr Sarkozy's leadership bid for the UMP is considered by many as a first step towards a presidential bid in 2017. 
The prospect of Nicolas Sarkozy returning as candidate for the French presidency in 2017 has split opinion between former President Jacques Chirac and his wife Bernadette.
Mr Chirac, who makes no secret of his distaste for Mr Sarkozy, has endorsed a different man for the ticket, choosing former Prime Minister Alain Juppe.

Mrs Chirac was also quoted by French satirical newspaper Le Canard Enchaine as saying that Nicolas Sarkozy was urging her to help him effect a reconciliation with Jacques.Chirac.

His political comeback is said by friends to be strongly opposed by his own wife Carla Bruni, who has 'begged him' not to stand because people were 'mean to him' as president. Carla has in the meantime, rrelaunched her singing career , which might help Nicholas.

And the abbot said to the bear......

I'll huff an'I'll puff...

Recently the Australian Prime Minister vented his spleen on Vladimir, threatening to "shirtfront"  the Russian leader at the G7 meeting to be held in Brisbane, over the MH17 disaster above The Ukraine in July of this year.
Now that's an interesting use of English. Is the intention intend to compare the laundry skills of the Russians as opposed to the speedy service of our local bagwash shops? Or are Australian shirtfront starchier than Russian linen Tolstovkas
Interesting to to note that no such remarks have been made by the Netherlands who lost some 198 nationals in the tragedy. 
Perhaps Mr Abbott was playing to the opinion polls seeing that his ratings have increased since the deployment of forces against the bloodthirsty IS insurgents in Syria, Iraq and  Turkish border.
Not really helpful in the long run.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Knuckleheads, all...

I love a sun burnt head.

Last night, Channel 7 excelled themselves by broadcasting a snippet from an interview with a younf, presumably Australian, jihadist.

He was reported as saying he believed in beheading but still loved Australia!

What was the point? Does it mean that because he loved Australia his love of decapitation was merely a sign of the larrikin in him? Was he to be forgiven, pitied, sympathised with or what?

Don't know who was the greater of the knuckleheads, Channel 7's news producer or the interviewee.

Ratings are one thing but really.....

Friday, October 10, 2014

A bit on the side......

..............or a bit of fluff

Something happens to some men, particularly those it seems in a position of power. They become a bit of a goose and have an affair which in the end usually ruins their career or brings about their downfall. This is the age of judgements where the social media can wreak a bit of havoc.
Not all men, of course, I hasten to add before being taken to task. 
In France a mistress appears to be the norm. The associated costs are probably a legitimate tax deduction! 
Previously in France, If a murder were committed , the motive for which was a straying partner the penalties were less severe as a "crime passionel" was considered to be a valid reason for murder. This however did end in France as the Napoleonic code was updated in the 1970s so that a specific father's authority upon his whole family was over.
In the U.S. crimes of passions have been traditionally associated with the defenses of temporary insanity or provocation. Historically, such defenses were used as complete defenses for various violent crimes, but gradually they became used primarily as a partial defense to a charge of murder which acts by converting what would otherwise have been murder into manslaughter.

C' est la vie.

A class act

Christine Lagarde rose to prominence when appointed Finance Minister in 2007 by the then President of France Sarkozy or Sarky as he was referred to in France.Her  frenchness and internationalism was a refreshing change for European politicians long used to the Gallic myopia of her predecessor.
Smart, chic and successful, she is a lawyer by profession and was the global head for the law firm of Baker, Mackenzie in the U.S.
Hard working and professional Lagarde has an appetite for technical detail (very French) and the knack of getting her with with charm rather than bullying. She is also an advocate of social issues including climate change , which she sees as real ,  as well as the role of women , once claiming  that there was too much testosterone in high-powered circles. She is also a firm advocate of the role of the Euro in international markets,
She has recently voiced her concern at the possible impact of the Ebola virus on sustained growth and recovery after the GFC. With the current mixture of Ukraine, Syria, IS and Ebola she has her work cut out for her.

"The global economy needs new policy momentum to beat mediocre growth."

Concern, not panic

Outbreak..not the movie

Ebola first appeared in humans in 1976 in Central Africa and South Sudan. Is natural hosts are believed to be fruit bats. In parts of Africa these are eaten as a market delicacy.  The virus was named after the Ebola river,  round which the first cases appeared.
In an age where air travel facilitates the movement of infected people , the recent outbreak is not spreading particularly in countries with poor medical standards and facilities but threatening to harm the economies of Africa in general and perhaps the rest of the world. That is the view of both the IMF and World bank.
The IMF, under Christine Lagarde,  has announced ,  in a departure from its normal policy of discouraging budget deficits,  it would be appropriate for those countries at the epicentre of the outbreak to increase their deficits to contain the virus. The World Bank who normally encourages private investment to improve facilities is also an agreement under the circumstances.
Ebola is highly infectious but less contagious as it is not an airborne virus. It is infectious in that a single virus can cause death,
Improved screening in the West as well as an increased awareness of the situation has seen, so far, the spread contained to a minimum number..hope it continues.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Hong Kong

Reports are that the student numbers are thinning out while civil servants have returned to work. Some students say they are satisfied that talks with the government will take place. So far so good? Or is this is pause that refreshes?

Financial people

They're only human

Bankers are a breed apart. They're a bit like policemen, they never lose that feeling that they have a duty to themselves and the world to remain unchanging and steadfast in their pursuit of happiness in their chosen careers.
It's true to say that money is, unfortunately, a man-made abstract concept which is used as a standard by which to measure people.

Accumulation of wealth and possessions cannot simply reflect a person's character, surely?

One older member of the credit committee which used to assess loan applications was so sensitive of the word "risk" that the very mention of the offensive word  in any application led to an automatic thumbs down from on high. Thereafter It would take a couple of swift snorters from the mahogany drinks cabinet to restore the old boy's equilibrium ready to face the rest of the day.

One Manager I worked for was definitely a nut case of the first water. After a particularly violent argument with the wife he became so displeased that he locked her in the bathroom and fed her by lowering a food tray through the skylight above the bolted door. She lasted three days before a concerned neighbour became anxious at the wife' s seeming disappearance and arranged a rescie operation. Needless to say no charges were laid which in today's liberated world in inconceivable.

Bankers lend you an umbrella when it's dry and want it back when it rains. They are also not very fond of surprises. Anyway, enough said on this subject....

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Stamping out

Guns and viruses

One of the issues among many, that is facing the U.S. is the question of gun control. Despite his willingness and promises President Obama has made little, if any, headway with the issue as he  tries to reduce the reliance of U.S citizens on their weapons. It will almost certainly take an absurdly long time for Americans to give up their God-given right to own and use firearms. The laws applying to the purchase of firearms are as loose and flexible as to be risible,
The other issue that is causing some concern is the importation of the Ebola virus by a resident returning from Liberia . The number of people with whom he has come into contact is rising but so far nobody else has succumbed to the illness. Hopefully, this is it... but as always, it ain't over until the fat lady sings!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Free and easy with democracy

The responsibility of tolerance lies with those who have the wider vision.George Eliot

Sydney Morning Herald (3rd October) reports that Prime Minister Tony Abbott will kill off a plan proposed by Speaker Bronwyn Bishop and Senate President Stephen Parry that would require women wearing head and facial coverings such as burqas to be separated from the public at Parliament House. 

So far, there have been no announcements from the PM's office. 
How far are we prepared to go to  "protect" democracy?

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


1st July 1997 was the handover of Hong Kong to China. The U.K. did its best to ensure that some form of democracy remained but it was basically a face saving measure in the face of humongous odds. Things are now changing and the protests there are posing an interesting conundrum. Who will blink first? The answer will more than likely come soon.